Well. Today I found out a very exciting thing, or rather experienced what was quite an exciting thing to me. My post about the book French Women Don't Get Fat was tweeted by the book's author, Mireille Guiliano. I found out randomly through a my husband's cousin receiving the tweet! It all made me smile very big.
You can read the post here:The Food Issue
I haven't written here for awhile, sickness and lack of inspiration have clouded my vision. But today's event gave me pause, and besides wanting to share it here, I wanted to reflect on how my most risky post has been the one I have received the most feedback from.
I have received so many more comments on that post than on any other. Not necessarily on the blog itself, but via email and other communications. It is proof to me of the power of honesty and soul-revealing, and how that resonates with others. I may be 'therapist', but I certainly don't have all the answers. I can help you learn to climb the mountain, but that's because I'm climbin' my own, right over here.
It is a beautiful experience, to allow vulnerability and have it received with warmth and respect.
I am still so grateful that I finally swallowed my pride and picked up French Women Don't Get Fat. I don't know where I'd be right now if I hadn't. Not a morning goes by where I don't think of the huge change that a nice breakfast shared at the table has made in my life, and in my husband's. And that's just how the day starts.