I'm so glad that the idea of magic has become a grown-up in my mind. As a child, I loved, loved, loved magic. I loved princesses, spells, wizards, myths, dwarves, gods, giants. For many years, I thought that all this had to go away with being grown, that there was no magic in the world, that the world was a kind of plain jane. So glad I was wrong.
Magic is here everyday. It is in the beauty of the clouds as they part and make way for the sun. It is in a leisurely Saturday morning meeting-for-coffee-over-the-phone with that rare and wondrous treasure, a true friend. It is in a blog post, well-written, humorous and celebratory of life's small moments.
How we think is so much of our life. A few weeks ago I wrote about how our life is made up of how we feel everyday. And that is true. But how we think, what we think, where we take ourselves in our minds is a big part of how we feel. Hence, the importance of whimsical, magical thinking.
Magic feels so good. It warms the heart and heals the soul. Magic happens between two people when they fall in love, or when they heal from a fight, or find each other after distance has grown.
Magic is a soft landing. May you find yours today.
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